Thursday, January 25, 2007

Odds and ends

Yes you are seeing what you think you are seeing. That is a NASCAR santa inflatable that I am sure you will only find in the Midwest. This year was horrible with all the inflatable crap on lawns.
I had this picture in my camera and I forgot about it so there you go.

Ok so this is my new monitor. remeber the old one Pretty small i know .. but the new one OH MY GOD is huge! I know what you are thinking ... O V E R K I L L but I watch alot of movies on it. Well I dunno .. I just got a real DVD player for the living room. PLus there is Aly's Computer we take in our room. So sometimes i will watch movies in here. WHATEVER
****Please note the Chaos you see on my desk is all a controlled mess that umm BEEEEEEP ... SCREEEECH... kkkkkkkksssssssshhh.... oh we are losing connection.... sorry....*********
Well remeber when Aly's Computer was the HUGE screen ... CHECK THAT OUT! yeah I know he is all Jealous but you know he shows it by going .. oh congratulations on your monitor and then goes back to watching Cspan or some old man show.
Also this was in my camera I forgot about. This is when He and I were playing games before a movie and the game felt sorry for him losing so bad they gave him another shot. Mine was so great they said ok ... you have had enough. So I took his picture.
He claims he won and that is why he got to play more but I think it is the other way around.


Blogger musicalchef said...

Yep, those inflatable lawn thingies are really ugly!! Especially the ones that look like giant plastic snow globes!

9:34 PM  
Blogger Ol' Baby said...

is that enrique eglesias? hahahha
remember when you got chai a cd and wouldn't tell her who gave it to her. so i asked "why would someone give chai an enrique eglesias cd?" and then you were like "WHAT it was supposed to be a Beastie Boys CD" remember?

12:03 AM  
Blogger Chantale said...

You are just MEAAAN!!!!
always trying to trick me and stuff

10:20 AM  

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