Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I had a wonderful time in North Carolina. I will put up pictures later.
We flew down to NC mom and I were both wearing two shirts. One shirt and another shirt on top of that. So mom and I are split up to get thru security. My security person tells me I have to take my top shirt off and run it seperately. I said no this is a shirt (besides I only had a short sleeve shirt under it). She told me if I dont I will have to be searched. FINE. I go thru the metal detector ... NOTHING.. and I wait to be searched.
They never asked my mom to take off hers and they never searched her.

We all drove up to Indiana. THen Drea and I drove BACK down to NC. She drove the rental and I drove her new car (oh my GOD is it a sweet ride PLUS heated seats!! I love that car)

So I flew back from NC. I was the first one thru Security (its a small airport so they only open the security when the flight is about to take off).
This time ONLY one long sleeve shirt. Everything else was on the Xray machine.
My toothpaste .4 ounces over the limit. I said no biggie just dump it (even though it was the smallest one I could find at the store and I am sure .4 ounces have been used)
Then I go thru the metal detector... NOT A SOUND. but the guy had to STUDY my boarding passes for BOTH flights. Enough so that he was rearranging them and telling me that they were in the wrong order ... only to put them back in the order they were in that was correct the first time.
Have I mentioned the long line of people behind me at this point?
3 solid (no joke ) minutes later he gives me my ID and boarding pass.
FINISHED? not at all
The Xray guy says he needs to search my bag.
FINE I said And I waited. After about the 5th person passed me ... I decided to take a seat as the guy rub every item and scan it in the machine.
Finally I am finished.

Ladies and gentlemen I was convicted of FWM (flying while muslim)... the punishment..... having to wait and wait and wait and having to be super polite and smiling all the time and saying "no no thats fine" or "sure no big deal ... that is why I came early" in my most positive and sweet tone like it is no big deal and like I really thought I was a RANDOM search.


Blogger baj said...

i just found the perfect accessory for traveling: a baby! they let you go through a separate, faster security line, they let you board first, and they are super nice (especially if you have a super cute baby). :)

11:36 AM  
Blogger Chantale said...

no pressure right ahahahha

5:59 PM  

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