Thursday, January 20, 2005



yup I had my happy eid Cake ( left over birthday cake ....dont laugh ... it was really really good)
and Happy Eid Pizza .... Because Aly cooked SOOOOOOOOOOO much lamb and I am soooo burnt out of the stuff!
Speaking of lamb did I ever tell you guys about how in Mauritania it is a custom that when people come to visit or what ever you are supposed to bring them a lamb. So we have had quite a few people just drop off a lamb to our house. So one day I come home .... there is a black bag with what looks to be a skinned dog inside. I call my husband, because I cannot understand what my mother in law is telling me. He tells me it is a lamb, I am like well DUH I can figure that out but it is all in one peice. in a garbage bag IN MY DINING ROOM! he asks me to clean out the a place for it.
So picture this I clean off the bottom shelf of the fridge, drag Lassie accross the kitchen and when I picked it up it really was like when I used to try to pick up my dog Princess. IT WAS SO WEIRD! Anyway since then I have not really been eating to much lamb or mutton.

Anyway back to my happy Eid Class.


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