Thursday, September 07, 2006

anotha one bites the dust

SO Evil Crabbykins has struck again.

I am putting on my shoes and I look into the tank and the crab is eating the OTHER scavenger fish I had. (this one was the small docile version)

crabbykins is just ripping off peices of the fish and eating it! It was alive earlier today ...but not anymore!
They had a bit of a feud going... where the scavenger would attempt to eat food off of the crab and the crab would stay still and pretend like it was ok ... then it would try to snap at him. But the scavenger would always get away. WELL his luck just ran out.
Crabbykins is still King of the Mountain.
I did not have pictures because as I am a good samaritain I loaned out my camera....and have yet to get it back.

Trust me it is for the best that I dont have the photos for this murder.
(did that sound a little dramatic?)


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