newest family member
Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce our latest bundle of JOY Aly's Laptop. AWEEEEEEE look how cute!
Yes my computer
computer in the back is old news and is playing the whole jealous sibling trick. But this new bad boy is SWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEET! I can watch movies in WIDE SCREEEN ... How you like that Full Screen OLD computer? HUH?
OK so um I am prettu sure I have said to much.
Oh yeah about the desk mess.... It is a controlled mess. All of those pieces of paper that look like they are gargabe and should be tossed into the pretty much empty wastebasket in right next to the desk, have really important information on them.
JUST LEAVE IT ALONE its not garbage... they are my friends! Would you just throw away your friends! NO ... I didnt think so. Come here mister panera reciept... I will never leave you. Whats that Ms. Cable bill envelope.... no I wont let you live out the rest of your days in that empty wastebasket. Ill make Shakes for us! How do you like that???
Ok so I gotta go
Man I love this computer.... oh and turns out my stupid cheap neighbors dont have wireless internet.... YEAH I had to use the cord from my computer and attach it to ALY's! DO they take us for ANIMALS! we should not have to live like this. ......... whats that you say? Why dont we get wireless service..... WHAT..... and let our neighbors steal it from us? NEVER we will do what civilized people do ... go to starbucks! ( and panera)