Thursday, August 25, 2005


Ok maybe it is just me but everytime I turn on the TV I see the Gorillaz video for Feel Good Inc. I dont get it. The song is really starting to grow on me. My only problem is cartoon butt crack.... WHY????

Saturday, August 20, 2005


When things dont seem to be going my way I start to hum that song from the movie STRIPES when Bill Murray loses his job, girlfriend, pizza, and car in the same 5 minutes.

I am not bummed or anything... things actually seem to be going well. But I was just sitting here thinking about how I do that.

Things usually turn around pretty soon after. Well not after I hum the song but you know what I mean.

So yeah STRIPES is a really good movie. I refrence that movie quite a bit.
Part of it was Filmed in Louisville ya know.


well that will be all

Thursday, August 18, 2005

taking notes

Have you ever had a test and then you decide to study and you look over your notes and notice they make NO sense... WHY .... BECAUSE YOU WERE SLEEPING!

They are just random marks on the page!

Yeah ... me either.... never had that problem... NOT EVEN TODAY ...when I had this big ole test and 75% of my notes were illegible

this girl walks into class clutching this really big box of Kleenex. I just kept focusing on how TACKY that was!
Yes we all know you have a cold. BUT please .... if not for us FOR YOURSELF dont walk around with the whole BOX!
take a few... put it in your purse.... FINE BY US!
get a few cute little packages.... EVEN BETTER!
But the whole BOX!

I couldnt CONCENTRATE I tell you ... I was ENTRANCED ( and not in the good way with unicorns and apricots... no this was the must not look away kind..... test can wait of kleenex cannot!)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Blue Book

I officially hate the Bluebook!

Trust a bunch of lawyers to take something I understood so well and make it so complicated!

I fell asleep in class and had a nightmare about id and contra

It should be called the Stoopid book of We made them up system of Citations.

Do I sound bitter?